Browsing Category

Conscious Living

Conscious living is nothing more than being aware of each and every moment – of living in the now. By living in the moment we cease to identify with past and present and with those the cascade of thoughts with which we erroneously identify.

A dog's life

A Dog’s Life

Man oh man, did you hear about…..? And depending on what comes next, we’re off and running with our passionately held opinions on the subject. I think they call it ‘triggered’ these days. The more volatile the topic, the stronger our opinions. “Who do…

June 6, 2020


In this thing called life, chaos can erupt on a micro or macro level; in our own immediate lives, or on a national or even global stage; as a cancer of the body, or a cancer of the culture. It’s all the same in…

May 31, 2020
The Gospel of Me

The Gospel of Me

As an experiment, I recently shared a 50-minute video of two ER physicians / immunologists who have been on the front lines battling COVID. They offered up loads of data demonstrating that, regardless of where you look in the world, COVID mortality rates are…

April 27, 2020
Resurrecting the G Word

Resurrecting the G Word

A comedian once said the surest way to keep the seat beside you empty was, when asked if it was taken, to answer: “Nope, just me and God.” Guaranteed that the interloper will keep moving, joked the comedian. Only it’s not really a joke,…

February 11, 2020
this is love doran-erickson-unsplash

Love is This

Our son has reached that age where he’s starting to mainline some of the same shows we do. The other day he completed HBO’s ‘Silicon Valley,’ a funny little 6-season series following the trials and tribulations of a tech startup. Despite loving the show,…

January 23, 2020
Get Out of the Way

Get Out of the Way

The spiritual search is fed on surrender. The more we hand over the reins, the more life or God or whatever meets us half-way. In essence, the besieged, frightened, miserable ego reaches a point and says, “I haven’t got a clue what’s going on…

November 19, 2019