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sweat lodge

Sweat lodges have been employed for years by various cultures to test oneself through rigorous exposure to extreme heat, claustrophobic conditions, prayer, chants, music and other mind-altering activities. Sweat lodges in the U.S. have Native American origins, though they also have been used in other parts of the world.

Happy Birthday to a Friend

March 7, 2017

It is said that life gives us what we need, not what we want. I like it that way, because, frankly, I don’t know nearly enough to be put in charge of so great a responsibility. I’d just make a mess of things. Letting go and letting life deliver is of course easier said than done. There’s got to be not just an openness to this notion, but also the grace to even allow that thought to enter the equation…

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Overcoming Suffering (Part 1): What is the Nature of Suffering?

Over the past few years I have somewhat regularly been asked for help or guidance from someone struggling through divorce, depression, or loss of some kind. This is an uncomfortable proposition for anyone but especially for someone like me who, quite candidly, is wholly…

August 11, 2011

Standing Naked Before God

Suffering. Google says it’s the number one search term people use to find this blog. Next up are ayahuasca and vision quest, suggesting – appropriately enough – that this website is a destination for people seeking a way out of their pain. If you’re…

July 1, 2011

Avoiding the Holes

Chatting not so long ago with a friend who is struggling to overcome the twin addictions of self-loathing and alcoholism, she announced that she had resigned herself to never being able to fully recover. To which I blurted, “But why would you wish to…

May 9, 2011