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egoic thinking

Ending Suffering, Part 4: Ending Me

January 21, 2010
ending suffering

Some years ago I had a remarkable dream. In it I was a raindrop tumbling from a great, gray cloud and I felt ecstatically free the way one can in flying dreams. Then, suddenly, the clouds parted and below me stretched a vast and endless blue ocean and to my horror I realized I was about to be swallowed up in it, that upon splashdown “I” would forever disappear in that great expanse of water. Terror gripped me and I…

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Ending Suffering – When Enough is Enough: Part 1

His name is Gene Sprague. He paces the Golden Gate’s walkway at its highest point, occasionally stopping to gaze down at the water more than 200 feet below. Immersed in their picture-taking, nearby tourists fail to notice him. His pacing stops, he brushes his…

December 16, 2009

Don’t Take My Word for It

Recently I stumbled across the following. Take a look and consider its implications not just for your medical treatment, but for all aspects of your life. One study found that when confronted with a patient with back pain, surgeons prescribed surgery, physical therapists thought…

November 13, 2009