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Conscious Living

Conscious living is nothing more than being aware of each and every moment – of living in the now. By living in the moment we cease to identify with past and present and with those the cascade of thoughts with which we erroneously identify.

Ending Suffering, Part 3 – Liberation Through Truth

In the spring of 1999 I and another member of the American Red Cross boarded a flight bound for the Balkan conflict in Kosovo. A veteran of many humanitarian assignments, I felt no particular concern about the trip. But on the evening of my…

January 15, 2010

Ending Suffering, Part 2: Conscious Suffering

During the holidays my wife received word that a favorite cousin had been hospitalized with advanced brain cancer. He is young, handsome, charismatic, a business owner, a newly minted husband and father of a child not yet one. Family and friends are stunned, praying…

January 15, 2010

Ending Suffering – When Enough is Enough: Part 1

His name is Gene Sprague. He paces the Golden Gate’s walkway at its highest point, occasionally stopping to gaze down at the water more than 200 feet below. Immersed in their picture-taking, nearby tourists fail to notice him. His pacing stops, he brushes his…

December 16, 2009

Don’t Take My Word for It

Recently I stumbled across the following. Take a look and consider its implications not just for your medical treatment, but for all aspects of your life. One study found that when confronted with a patient with back pain, surgeons prescribed surgery, physical therapists thought…

November 13, 2009

Saying No to the Role of a Lifetime

Imagine that you are an actor and the director calls with a new assignment. It goes something like this: “We’re sending you into a new theatre for the role of a lifetime.” So far, so good. “But be forewarned you are joining a hostile…

November 7, 2009

In Salute of a Stepmother’s Love

Two pregnant women, close friends, are overjoyed to learn they will be delivering their babies on the same day at the same hospital. Taking this as a sign, they determine that the babies – both of them boys – are destined to be lifelong…

November 3, 2009