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The Forensics of “I” – Part 2

Every human being has a favorite subject: him or herself. This is only natural since it is the “I” who experiences the world and there is no subject that any of us know so well as ourselves. Right? But what if this conceit is,…

October 20, 2009

The Forensics of “I” – Part 1

Rather than kick things off with the usual navel-gazing, let’s be more interactive and get you involved. This only takes a moment and can be an eye-opening experience depending on how deep you want to go. It starts with the following question: What happens…

October 13, 2009

Conversations with God, 24/7

As a healthy 46-year-old the question occasionally arises, why the constant focus on spiritual development? This usually is expressed along the lines of, “Life is generally good so why not just focus on the good stuff and avoid the bad.” Who has the time…

October 8, 2009