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Where the Mind Goes, So Goes I

May 22, 2015

How often I feel like a fish trapped in a bowl, a prisoner to something called life. To an outsider this sounds depressing and at times I suppose it is. But it’s all I’ve ever known. Like a 3-legged dog, I’ve only ever known hopping. Fifty-two years of hopping proves one thing: all that ‘you’ and ‘I’ are is the sum total of mental programming we received. I hop while you may glide and another may strut and still another crawls.…

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When Universes Collide – Conclusion

In the late 1800s Swiss geologist Albert Heim was enjoying a climb in the Alps when a powerful gust of wind lifted him from the mountain and sent him plummeting to almost certain death. But a peculiar thing happened during his fall: instead of…

January 21, 2011

Catch You if You Can

Several years ago, at the absolute depths of my personal crisis, a horrendous and hideous thought suddenly occurred to me: What if there is no God? What if this entire existence is … meaningless? What if all of the suffering and anguish and turmoil…

July 22, 2010

The Forensics of “I” – Part 1

Rather than kick things off with the usual navel-gazing, let’s be more interactive and get you involved. This only takes a moment and can be an eye-opening experience depending on how deep you want to go. It starts with the following question: What happens…

October 13, 2009

Knowing Me, Knowing Me

A key conceit of spiritual study is that we don’t really exist – at least not in the sense most of us imagine, which is to say a distinct body, name, personality, history, beliefs, etc. There is no “me,” per se, just a share…

July 12, 2009