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know thyself

A Horse With No Name

April 14, 2011

A mystic has informed you that across a vast ocean of water eternal happiness awaits. You gaze at the water from the beach, painfully aware that every attempt you’ve made to find happiness on this side of the water has failed, so why not? You immediately set out to lay claim to this everlasting reward – on horseback. Such is the face of human spirituality. Know thyself and the truth shall set you free. They are among the best known,…

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Don’t Take My Word for It

Recently I stumbled across the following. Take a look and consider its implications not just for your medical treatment, but for all aspects of your life. One study found that when confronted with a patient with back pain, surgeons prescribed surgery, physical therapists thought…

November 13, 2009

The Forensics of “I” – Part 2

Every human being has a favorite subject: him or herself. This is only natural since it is the “I” who experiences the world and there is no subject that any of us know so well as ourselves. Right? But what if this conceit is,…

October 20, 2009