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The Timeless Quality of I Am

November 26, 2012

“There is only one time when it is essential to awaken. That time is now.” – The Buddha Have you noticed that ‘you’ really never age? That there is a timeless quality to you? In periods of silence it can be so obvious. The body ages, but I do not. The ‘me’ to which I refer feels ageless – not 20 or 50 or 90, ageless. Across the years my parents expressed the same sentiment to me, that despite the…

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Watching our Thoughts

It takes some discipline but I’ve discovered the home-brewed serenity possible in simply watching one’s thoughts vs. identifying with them. This is one of those recommended steps en route to awakening but is easily overlooked. Thoughts arise and disappear in an continuous flow, like…

July 12, 2009