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Forget Life’s Experiences and Instead Experience Life

January 25, 2013

At dinner the other night came a conversation about the importance of experiencing all that life has to offer before, you know, it’s too late. The basic idea being that we need to be out there scaling Mt. Everest or racing elephants in the desert or earning our first millon by 30 lest we fail to live a remarkable life. As a military brat first conditioned and then prone to a life of ceaseless wanderlust, I might once have agreed…

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The Forensics of “I” – Part 1

Rather than kick things off with the usual navel-gazing, let’s be more interactive and get you involved. This only takes a moment and can be an eye-opening experience depending on how deep you want to go. It starts with the following question: What happens…

October 13, 2009

All is Well

What if everything is really, really OK? What if, as the mystics have taught, all is well, all has always been well and it always will be? Have you ever let yourself believe this – to really believe this? From an early age we…

July 24, 2009