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It’s ‘Me’ Again

February 9, 2016

I believe now that consciousness reveals itself in stages not unlike a painter or sculptor who reveals his art over time. The more we attend to the task of revealing our true nature, the more consciousness obliges and the secrets to our being revealed. I know this to be true for the simple reason that, more than anything else over the past decade, this is the garden I have chosen to till. Where another might immerse himself in faith or money or…

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Holiday Depression: A Call to Nonduality?

If the season has you hurting, longing, or otherwise feeling out of sorts, I urge you toward nonduality. It’s the only path to truth, because it is not a path at all and has no place for all the concepts I just mentioned. It…

December 30, 2012

A Horse With No Name

A mystic has informed you that across a vast ocean of water eternal happiness awaits. You gaze at the water from the beach, painfully aware that every attempt you’ve made to find happiness on this side of the water has failed, so why not?…

April 14, 2011