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walking in the shoes of another

Knowing Me, Knowing Me

July 12, 2009

A key conceit of spiritual study is that we don’t really exist – at least not in the sense most of us imagine, which is to say a distinct body, name, personality, history, beliefs, etc. There is no “me,” per se, just a share of the same total consciousness that permeates everything. At least that’s how I interpret it though the human brain and its three-dimensional limitations isn’t much help in that area. The other day while reflecting on this…

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The “H” Word

There is nothing like a spiritual crash to teach a person the meaning of the word “humility.” Indeed, I think it safe to say that a man or woman cannot reach rock bottom unless the basic concept of humility has been forgotten (or never…

July 12, 2009

Loving Goose AND Gander

For reasons not entirely clear to me, I’ve got an unusually large number of friends suffering from a variety of crises. One in particular is having a tough go of it with a wife who suddenly announces her desire for a divorce (she is…

July 12, 2009

The Last Days

Last night my wife and I watched “The Last Days,” a 1998 documentary about the final months of the Holocaust, when the Nazis were bullrushing Jews out of Hungary and into the gas chambers just as fast as they could (the Germans knew the…

July 12, 2009