The God Experiment

May 8, 2018
God Experiment

What I call the God Experiment is an eye-opening adventure you won’t soon forget. For 24 hours, transform everything around you into God. Replace every label and concept you have for people, places, and things with God.

You do not need to be a believer to play this game – in fact, it will be easier if you dump all of your God concepts as well. Instead, simply picture (vaguely, of course) the unimaginably intelligent architect behind this thing we call life, the universe, you and I. For purposes of this experiment, I’m simply calling it ‘God.’

Why the God Experiment?

In virtually all spiritual traditions it is taught that at some point each of us must stand naked before God. In countless retellings of near-death experiences, a light of unfathomable beauty, love, and intelligence is encountered during which a complete life review is conducted. It is said that God sees and knows all, including our darkest of thoughts and deeds. And even science now tells us that everything truly is connected and that without consciousness nothing can exist.

So what I’m calling the God Experiment is an attempt to bring into conscious awareness God, for 24 consecutive hours (naturally, none of us can do this, but if we ask for a little help from (ahem) God, we might be reminded enough times to really get something out of it.

For 24 hours, God isn’t something ‘out there’ or ‘up there,’ God isn’t waiting for us in a mosque or synagogue or church, God isn’t relegated to a particular day of the week or killing time until we get around to prayer or meditation. YOU, for 24 hours, are bringing God to life in everything. Everything.

All labels and concepts are replaced with God. Every sensory experience is God – the taste of food, scent of a flower, feel of a lover, song of a bird, sight of a swaying tree. Every conversation is had, not with a clerk or colleague, child or neighbor. But with God. Every contemplation, every problem to be solved, every fear and anxiety – all of it is God.

See for yourself what comes of the God Experiment.



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  • Karen Taylor May 11, 2018 at 9:54 pm

    So far, I am failing miserably but I will make another attempt tomorrow. Thanks, Doug, as always, for your potent sharing.