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sins of the fathers

The Art of Genuine Compassion

July 12, 2009

Picture an individual who, for one reason or another, annoys you. I don’t care how “Zen” you are, there is someone in your life who fits this bill (a boss, a spouse, a child, the neighbor, the driver who cut you off in traffic this morning). Really picture this person, what it is that annoys you about him/her. Now imagine that you are going to walk in his shoes, and by that I don’t mean suddenly switch places with him…

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Knowing Me, Knowing Me

A key conceit of spiritual study is that we don’t really exist – at least not in the sense most of us imagine, which is to say a distinct body, name, personality, history, beliefs, etc. There is no “me,” per se, just a share…

July 12, 2009

The “H” Word

There is nothing like a spiritual crash to teach a person the meaning of the word “humility.” Indeed, I think it safe to say that a man or woman cannot reach rock bottom unless the basic concept of humility has been forgotten (or never…

July 12, 2009